The time has come for the kids to go back-to-school—a busy time of year for both students and parents alike. Getting in to a new routine can take some time to get used to, and there many things to consider when sending your children back to school.
Bed Bugs in Schools
As the bed bug population continues to climb, protecting your family and home is the biggest concern among parents. Bed bugs multiply quickly and travel easily.
Tips for teachers
Reduce clutter in classroom
Keep rugs and carpets to a minimum
Remove curtains and wall frames
Inspect for bed bugs in library books when they are returned—place them in a plastic liner to check
Frequently inspect and vacuum classrooms
Educate parents and encourage them to identify the signs of bed bugs—share fact sheets and brochures with them
Tips for parents
Inspect backpacks when your child gets home from school—this includes books, papers, pencil cases and any other items
When contents are removed from backpack, inspect thoroughly
Place child’s clothing in a dryer on the highest setting
Can bed bugs be transferred by house to house? Yes, so be sure to inspect your child if you suspect they have been at another home with bed bugs
Bed Bugs in Libraries
Bed bugs in books at libraries, movie theatres and malls have increased dramatically in recent years. Bed bugs can attach themselves to a person by their clothing or in their knapsacks. Bed bugs in library books have been increasing in larger cities over the years, New York, Vancouver and even Toronto have had problems with bed bugs in their libraries.
"Like movie theatres, hospital waiting rooms and subways, the Toronto public library system — which operates 98 branches with 1.2 million members and an annual circulation of 31 million items — is no exception to the bedbug scourge plaguing urban areas across North America." - Toronto Star
Spreading bed bugs from person to person can happen in library books by females laying eggs in the spines of hard cover books or lurk under the paper covers. In 2012, the Toronto Public Library had 24 confirmed bed bug incidents of the 38 reported.
If you suspect you have a bed bug infestation in your home, address the problem as quickly as possible. Call a professional bed bug Toronto pest control company.
I want to thank Sarah! She really did a amazing inspection! I had a issue with mice. Sarah cover the inside and outside taking care of holes/gaps above the front and back doors. attics and garage. And has a very caring attitude towards her clients! I have know about Environmental Pest control for many years as they looked after issues with a school board I worked for.
We just had a fall treatment done at our country property. We never hesitate to call this company to protect us from ladybugs, cluster flies and more. You can count on them for punctuality, professionalism and thoroughness. Shout out to Cody who went above and beyond today: on his own accord, he brought our garbage/recycling bins to our garage door from the road and was able to retrieve a helium balloon that had floated up to the top of our cathedral ceiling. We are seniors, so these gestures of kindness were most appreciated. Highly recommend!
I cannot rate this company high enough. I first talked with Thomas on the phone. He was so polite and patient with this 79 year old lady animal advocate. He talked me through everything and I made my choice of the service I desired. I got an appointment the next day. Craig was right on time and he went through everything again and made sure I understood the whole procedure. I feel I got a very fair price for the work done. Do not hesitate to call Environmental Pest Control if you need help with wasps as I did!
I recently had the bait boxes refilled to avoid having mice move into my house as the weather turns colder. Mike and Jake arrived at the appointed time. Both gentlemen were polite, friendly and very professional. When they left, I contacted Kassandra to arrange payment. She was lovely, pleasant and polite, a pleasure to speak with. I have used the services of this company for years and have always been pleased.