Flies can be some of the most annoying disruptive pests.
They’re dirty
They multiply very quickly
They drive your pets crazy...and you crazy too!
There are several way to kill these pests, starting with a simple fly swatter.
But a fly swatter can only do so much and has its limitation (as does your patience). So what do you do when faced with a fly infestation or recurring fly problem?
There are some home remedies that can help kill flies in the house. Most of these home remedies are made of natural ingredients, meaning they are relatively safe for small children or pets to be around. Two of the most simple, common homemade repellents include:
Maple Syrup & Sugar Traps - Store maple syrup or sugar water in small open containers around areas of infestation or access can help lures in and trap flies.
The downside of these methods are that they leave your home feeling and smelling unattractive. Having sticky traps with fly remains all over them, or having a strong odour of vinegar throughout your home is off-putting (for you, your family and guests). Plus, they will only help you kill some of the pests that have already gained access to your home - they will not guarantee that house flies or cluster flies will not return or help you address or prevent an infestation.
The best way to kill flies in the house is through a certified pest management professional, who will assess your fly problem and treat it correctly.
House Flies vs. Cluster Flies
Also called ‘filth flies’, house flies are one of the most common pests a homeowner will face.
They like tobreed on decomposing organic matter, like old food or garbage. Because of their attraction to filth, the potential for bacterial transmission is very high.
Preventing the house fly from entering your home is the best line of defence to stop an infestation:
Tightly seal all garbage containers outside your home
Store garbage containers away from your home and entry points
Keep all entry points like windows and doors properly sealed.
Unlike the common house fly, cluster flies are slow, sluggish, and can be characterized by their overall lack of direction. They tend to bounce off surfaces, and can sometimes even appear to be dead because of how sluggish they are. Luckily, these pests are unable to breed inside your home, meaning that you do not risk larvae infestations.
A fly swatter will effectively kill a cluster fly, but be warned - cluster flies can emit an unpleasant odour and a fluid that can stain surfaces if they are disturbed.
The best way to kill cluster flies is to prevent a problem before it starts. Be proactive by ensuring your home is properly sealed at all entry points.
If you’re noticing large numbers of flies in your house, it’s possible that they are breeding somewhere inside. Contact a certified pest management professional to detect where the breeding ground is, and implement proper eradication techniques to quickly put an end to these unwelcome, annoying guests.