Fun fact - Sowbugs and pillbugs (Armadillidium Vulgare, Class Crustacea & Order Isopoda) are arthropods and not insects. These pests are more closely related to shrimp and lobsters than insects.

These land-dwelling crustaceans are found all over the world and are known by many other names. Here in Southern Ontario, sowbugs are commonly referred to as woodlouse, and pillbugs are called roly-polies or potato bugs.

They mostly live (and thrive) under mulch in flower beds and gardens which are moist, dark and provide ample food. They can and will bury themselves under soil.

Because they eat decaying plants, fruits, vegetables, and organic debris, pillbugs and sowbugs play a significant role in composting organic matter and helping make nutrient rich soil. They will also feed on flowers, fruits, vegetables, and tender seedlings that are laying directly on damp soil in gardens, which annoys gardeners.

Overall, these pests require moist and humid conditions to survive. Since they cannot retain water in their bodies, they are usually most active at night in damp/wet places. During the day they hide under flowerpots, leaf litter, stones, rocks, logs, wooden boards, sprinkler irrigation, etc.

Their lifespan is on average 3 years, when favourable conditions are present.


What do Sowbugs Look Like?

Adult sowbugs are dark to slate grey in colour, with oval humpbacked bodies that look like they are covered in armour. They are 1/4” to 5/8” long and have 7 pairs of similar legs and 2 pairs of antennae. A sowbug has 2 prominent and visible appendages (called uropoda) that project from their rear end. Sowbugs have gills, which need constant moisture.

a single sowbug isolated on a white background

What do Pillbugs Look Like?

Adult pillbugs are slate grey in colour, with more rounded humpbacked bodies that look like they are covered in armour. They are 1/4” to 5/8” long and have 7 pairs of similar legs and 2 pairs of antennae. A pillbug’s uropoda (paired terminal appendages attached to their rear end) are not visible when looking at the arthropod from above. Pillbugs have gills, which need constant moisture. A pillbug (aka roly-poly’) can roll its body into a ball, like an armadillo, when alarmed or threatened. Sowbugs cannot do this.

a single pillbug isolated on a white background

Sowbugs vs. Pillbugs

To help tell these two pests apart, look for these differences:

Sowbugs - Flatter bodies, 2 visible tail-like appendages on their rear end, and when they feel threatened, they run away. They do not roll up into balls.

Pillbugs - Rounder bodies, no visible tail-like appendages on their rear ends, and they curl up into a tiny ball when alarmed.

a pillbug or roly-poly curling in a ball on the floor


Do Sowbugs & Pillbugs Bite or Spread Disease?

These are harmless pests outdoors and indoors. Neither pillbugs or sowbugs bite humans or pets, as they do not have mouthparts capable of biting flesh. They do not carry diseases or spread diseases.

When found in large numbers, especially inside a home or business, they are commonly deemed a nuisance pest.


How They Get Into Homes or Businesses

Pillbugs and sowbugs live outdoors, however they can invade homes and businesses via ground level access, in search of two things:

  1. Moisture
  2. Food - decaying houseplant or other organic materials, wet paper products (newspapers, cardboard boxes, etc) and damp/rotting wood.

If these two conditions are not met, these pests will not be a problem as they cannot survive and will quicky die.

When present inside homes, they are commonly found in damp basements and crawl spaces, under leaky sinks, and in laundry rooms. Once inside, they typically remain hidden until their shelter is disturbed. Sometimes they may wander around, so if you see one or more of these pests inside your home, watch them to see where they are going. They may lead you to their shelter and help you find an unknown moisture issue that needs immediate resolution.


Signs of a Pillbug or Sowbug Infestation

Sighting either of these pests is the only clear indication of an infestation in your home.

The presence of sowbugs or pillbugs inside a home is very commonly an indication that high moisture conditions are present. Having high moisture inside a home can also provide a favourable living environment for other pests like carpenter ants, earwigs, silverfish/firebrats, centipedes and millipedes.


How to Prevent Pillbugs or Sowbugs

The first step in preventing pillbugs and sowbugs is reducing the moisture in and around your home (which will also help you prevent and stop unwanted wood rot and mildew).

Moisture removal is critical to preventing them AND getting rid of them. If a moisture problem persists, they will continue to be a problem even when professional pesticide products are applied from a licensed pest control professional.

Here are tips for reducing moisture inside & outside your home:


  • Run a dehumidifier in your basement or ground level floor, especially if these areas are damp or have high humidity.
  • Use bathroom exhaust fans.
  • Use stove hood exhaust fans in kitchens.
  • Regularly remove decaying plant-based materials.
  • Always store paper, cardboard, and wood materials off the floor, to prevent from getting wet. If they do get wet, dry them immediately or throw them out.
  • Replace damaged/rotted wood in walls (foundation-level sill plates) and wooden door thresholds.


  • Regularly dispose of leaf litter, grass clippings, decaying plant material and other organic debris.
  • Place potted plants on stands to keep them off the ground.
  • Keep wood piles off the ground and away from your home’s structure.
  • Regularly clean rain gutters and downspouts, and keep them in good repair.
  • Fix leaky faucets or pipes.
  • Assess and correct potential water runoff issues.
    • Do you have excessive mulch piled up around your foundation? It could be trapping in water, so create a dry barrier by moving mulch at least 6 inches away from your foundation.
    • Are your gutter downspouts properly installed, and have an extension to direct water runoff away from your home? If not, take care of this asap.
  • Seal up cracks & crevices at or near ground level of your home's foundation.
  • Install weather stripping on all ground-level doors and windows.


How to Get Rid of Pillbugs & How to Get Rid of Sowbugs

If you have a sowbug infestation or pillbug infestation in your home, it is critical that you locate the source of moisture and take action to remove it. These pests need moisture to survive. If you remove the source of moisture, they will die.

Following the prevention tips in the section above will aid in getting rid of sowbugs and getting rid of roly-polies.

For large infestations with intolerable numbers, contact an experienced licensed pest control company, like Environmental Pest Control, for additional help.

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Trevor Dixon
3 weeks ago

I want to thank Sarah! She really did a amazing inspection! I had a issue with mice. Sarah cover the inside and outside taking care of holes/gaps above the front and back doors. attics and garage. And has a very caring attitude towards her clients! I have know about Environmental Pest control for many years as they looked after issues with a school board I worked for.

Margo Dixon
3 months ago

We just had a fall treatment done at our country property. We never hesitate to call this company to protect us from ladybugs, cluster flies and more. You can count on them for punctuality, professionalism and thoroughness. Shout out to Cody who went above and beyond today: on his own accord, he brought our garbage/recycling bins to our garage door from the road and was able to retrieve a helium balloon that had floated up to the top of our cathedral ceiling. We are seniors, so these gestures of kindness were most appreciated. Highly recommend!

Sherrie Lee Hawley
5 months ago

I cannot rate this company high enough. I first talked with Thomas on the phone. He was so polite and patient with this 79 year old lady animal advocate. He talked me through everything and I made my choice of the service I desired. I got an appointment the next day. Craig was right on time and he went through everything again and made sure I understood the whole procedure. I feel I got a very fair price for the work done. Do not hesitate to call Environmental Pest Control if you need help with wasps as I did!

Heather Lundberg
3 months ago

I recently had the bait boxes refilled to avoid having mice move into my house as the weather turns colder. Mike and Jake arrived at the appointed time. Both gentlemen were polite, friendly and very professional. When they left, I contacted Kassandra to arrange payment. She was lovely, pleasant and polite, a pleasure to speak with. I have used the services of this company for years and have always been pleased.