We’ll be the first to admit that mosquitoes are annoying pesky insects.
We also think that they are fascinating with some surprising traits and behaviours.
So, whether you find them annoying, intriguing, or somewhere in the middle, we’ve pulled together some interesting (and maybe even fascinating) facts about mosquitoes that might change how you see them or help you better understand them...and dare we suggest 'tolerate' them.
Fact #1 - Diversity in Species
There are over 3,500 species of mosquitoes worldwide – wow! These insects vary in size, color, and behavior. While not all species feed on humans, those that do have adapted specialized mouthparts for piercing skin and sucking blood.
Fact #2 - Only Female Mosquitoes Bite
Females require a blood meal to develop eggs. Male mosquitoes feed on plant nectar and do not bite animals or humans.
Fact #3 - Important Pollinators
While they are primarily known for being annoying and obnoxious tiny blood-sucking pests, mosquitoes actually play a role in pollination. Their primary food source is flower nectar, and as they feed from flower to flower, they transfer pollen and aid in the fertilization process. That is pretty cool!
Fact #4 - Incredible Sense of Smell
Curious how they always seem to find you? Mosquitoes have a highly developed sense of smell, which helps them locate hosts for their blood meals from a distance. They are attracted to carbon dioxide, body heat, and certain chemicals emitted by humans and animals.
Fact #5 - Disease Vectors
Perhaps the most notorious fact about mosquitoes is their role as vectors for diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, chikungunya, Zika virus, and West Nile virus. Female mosquitoes can transmit these diseases when they bite infected hosts and subsequently bite uninfected individuals. In Canada, West Nile virus is a serious health concern, but the risk of contracting it or it causing serious illness is low. Here in Ontario, mosquitoes are less of a health concern, and more of a threat to outdoor fun and events.
Fact #6 - Lifespan and Habitat
The lifespan of a mosquito varies by species and environmental conditions but typically ranges from a few weeks to several months. Mosquitoes require water to breed, laying their eggs in stagnant water sources like ponds, puddles, and even small containers like flowerpots and sandbox toys.
While they may be a nuisance, mosquitoes do play a role in the ecosystem, including being a food source for spiders, frogs, bats, birds, fish, dragonflies, and more. You don’t have to like them, or like having them around, but they do serve a purpose beyond annoying you.
To help prevent them from spoiling your outdoor relaxation and fun, try these tips to minimize mosquitoes and check out expert pest control advice for getting rid of mosquitoes.
For more information about mosquitoes, visit our pest library. If you’re interested in professional mosquito control treatments, contact our team to learn more.
Enjoy the outdoors!
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